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Democratic decay in America is a growing global threat that has the potential to destabilize the world. The United States is experiencing two major forms of democratic erosion in its governing institutions: election manipulation and executive overreach . Since 2010, state legislatures have instituted laws intended to reduce voters’ access to the ballot, politicize election administration, and foreclose electoral competition via extreme gerrymandering . The United States has also seen substantial expansions of executive power and serious efforts to erode the independence of the civil service . Against these pressures, the gridlocked and hyperpartisan Congress is poorly equipped to provide unbiased oversight and accountability of the executive, and there are serious questions about the impartiality of the judiciary .

Creeping Militarism and Uncontrollable National Debt

The creeping militarism and uncontrollable national debt in the US will kill democracy at home while making its behavior abroad increasingly dangerous and destabilizing . The national debt has regularly been framed as a national security issue, with some analysts fearing that growth in mandatory spending categories, like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran’s Benefits and Services, as well as interest payments on the debt, is unsustainable and will displace discretionary priorities like military shipbuilding or responding to a crisis . However, while proponents have correctly predicted rising debt, they have been wrong about rising interest payments thanks to persistently low-interest rates . Defence cuts and failures to respond to crises were forced by austerity advocates in Congress and not by market conditions . This bad idea has contributed to policies that delayed our recovery from the Great Recession, have undermined our response to the Covid-19 crisis, and threaten to delay the recovery of the U.S. economy.

The Need for Immediate Action

The US must take immediate action to address these issues and restore its democratic values. The country must work towards ensuring free and fair elections, reducing the influence of money in politics, and promoting civil liberties and human rights . The US must also work towards reducing its national debt by implementing policies that promote economic growth and reduce spending on discretionary items . By doing so, the US can restore its position as a global leader and promote peace and stability around the world.


Democratic decay in America is a growing global threat that has the potential to destabilize the world. The creeping militarism and uncontrollable national debt in the US will kill democracy at home while making its behavior abroad increasingly dangerous and destabilizing. The US must take immediate action to address these issues and restore its democratic values. By doing so, the US can restore its position as a global leader and promote peace and stability around the world.

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